Archive for April 30, 2010

Been a while…

I always have the best ideas and reflections to put in this little blog of mine, but alas I always fill my time with other things. I decide that I am too tired to do anything but sit idly on my couch and watch an episode and a half of Chuck (because I can only watch 72 min without paying).  I have been through quite a bit of growth in this last month and a half. I went from running 10 miles to no miles. From been in-content (not sure if that is “in” or “un”, Missy would know) to finding peace with my life.

I am back running again, with new zeal for training for my marathon. I ran 5 miles yesterday and 2.48 the day before – after I biked/ran at the gym for an hour and half- I ran with Jack, which was a fun new experience. It was fantastic to share that with him, and he did great for not ever running!

So here are some snipits from the last few months…

– I don’t have to be perfect

– I never have to let my work dictate my worth or who I am as a person

– Just because I don’t have everything figured out and I make lots of mistakes doesn’t mean I am doomed for failure the rest of my existance.

-When your body says rest, you should…or you get sick…for a long time!!!!

-Having my sister come and visit for a weekend is a ton of fun! She is so cool.

-Friends are such a blessing. Especially the ones that come and visit you.

-Watching Childbirth is something you never forget.

-Missing people, friends and family, will never end. You just have to learn to miss them in a good way.

-Saying good-bye to Steph is going to be harder than I am anticipating…thinking about it at all makes me cry…ughhh.

-And finally, it is okay to be perfectly fine and content one day and be really sad and emotional the next. It doesn’t mean I have taken steps backwards, just that I am moving forward and moving through life and actually living!

I will try to better about updating.

Oh and P.S. best story at VZW so far…

We call customer on their cell phone…Call goes like this:

Rep: Hi this is John Doe at Verizon Wireless. The call can be recorded for quality. I am showing a balance on your account of $$$, a portion of that has fallen past due, putting your service at risk of interruption. Would you like to take care of this today?

Cust: Excuse me! How did you get this number? I don’t recall giving Verizon Wireless my cell number….


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